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SATRA TM55 Detection Method

SATRA TM55 Detection Method

This method is aim to test the flexing resistance of a material tocracking or other types of failure at flexing creases. The method is suitablefor leathers,coated fabrics and textiles used in footwear uppers.


The test material is folded in half then one end is fixed in a clamp. It isthen turned inside out and the free end isfixed in a second clamp at 90 degrees to thefirst. To cause the test material to flex, the first clamp is oscillated through a fixed angle at a defined rate for regular times.At set intervals it is required to record the number of flexing cycles and visually assess thedamage to the test material.The test can be conducted with wet ordry test materials and at ambient or sub-zero temperatures.




1. Place any test materials that are to be tested wet onto the surface with their reverse face uppermost. Spot 1 cm3 of distilled water on to the reverse surface of the test material and use the glass rod to work it uniformly into the material, to within 5 mm of the edge. It usually takes between 1 and 2 minutes for the material to absorb the water.


2. Put the upper clamp of the flexing machine in a horizontal level.


3. For footwear lining materials, fold a test material along the longer centre line with the wearing surface or grain outwards.


4. Insert one end of the folded test material into the upper clamp, and fix the test material in position.


5. Fold the test material inside out round the upper clamp,while the wearing surface or grain is now facing outwards.


6. Apply just sufficient hand tension to the test material to make it taut and there is no obvious bagginess around the top clamp. Fix it in the lower clamp. Finally repeat the procedure from sections 6.2 to 6.6 for the remaining test material(s) or until all of the pairs of clamps are full.


8. Select a series of inspection stages. Suitable inspection stages are including as follows:Dry testing - 10 000,25 000, 50 000 and 100 000 flexing cycles.Wet testing - 1000,20005000 and 10 000 flexing cycles.Cold testing - 1000,2000,5000 and 10 000 flexing cycles.


9.Operate the flexing machine at a rate of 100 ± 5 flexing cycles per minute.


10. stop the machine when the first inspection stage reaches.


For each test material, use the magnifying device to assess the flexing damage.Record the damage as the following descriptions:

No effect or slight creasing or piping.

Marked or severe creasing or piping.

Slight cracking.

Marked cracking.

Severe cracking.

Complete failure.


11. Restart the machine and repeat the procedure in sections 6.9 and 6.10 at successive inspection stages until either complete failure occurs or the end of the test is reached.


12. Record the type and severity of damage at each inspection stage with the corresponding number of flexing cycles.


Test Report:

1. Reference to this test method SATRA TM55: 1999.


2. A description of the test material.


3. The condition of test materials tested:wet or dry.


4. The temperature of testing.


5. The type and severity of damage to each test material at each inspection stage.


SATRA can help members interpret the results of this test method.


If you have any demand for SATRA TM55 testing equipment, please let me know.

More details please refer to

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